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Minecraft are re-building St Kilda

Rebuild St Kilda with Minecraft

The hugely popular Minecraft Game came to town developing a new software rebuilding St Kilda 

I simply couldn’t believe it. The software developers building  a new Minecraft game came to Stornoway! They are developing a new software and re building St Kilda.

Not only is Minecraft a hugely popular video game, enabling players to build constructions out of textured cubes in a 3D procedurally generated world, but  they were rebuilding St Kilda this time!

The new game should be available on the Dig-It website during this month May 2017.

I interviewed Steven Reid from Immersive Minds the technology in education, software development company, for the Community Radio Station Isles FM.

The way the model of St Kilda was created is absolutely fascinating. Have a listen.

I ended up providing one of the voices for the Rebuilding St Kilda game, which will be played very soon by my Minecraft mad grandson. How embarrassing am I as a granny?

On a serious note there was no mention of Gaelic being the language of the island. You can be rest assured I did tell them it had to be included and that they should have the characters speaking in their native dialogue. What a learning tool that would be….

This event was is the celebration  of 2017 being the Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology and Scotland in Six, which is the six sites in Scotland which have World Heritage Status.

St Kilda – Crafting the Past

The game should be there as a free download