Eilean Chaluim Cille Loch Eireasoirt
Bhiodh daoine a-null agus a-nall air Loch Èireasort, as na h-eathraichean nam beatha làitheil agus air an t-Sàbaid. Chaidh muinntir Eathraichean nan Salm an 2017, a tha a cruinneachadh beul aithis san sgìre mu siubhal chun eaglais, gu eilean ann…
Research Àinmean Àite Nan Loch
Tha sinn air call ar grèim air ainmean àite mu na bailtean, an taca na bha aig cìobairean ar n-òige air an teanga.
Sailm Fo Sheol
Tha ath-nuadhachadh de chleachdadh a bha ann bho chionn fhada, air iomadh còmhradh a dhùsgadh ann an Leòdhas an lùib a’ phròiseict ealain Bàta nan Salm. Mus tàinig an rathad mòr, bhiodh coithional air an t-slighe dhachaigh anns na h-eathraichean,…
Care Home Residents Island Culture – Wool Extravaganza
Working on the Arora Dementia Friendly Project today with the talented Mary Smith, her spinning wheel and her extensive wool craft kit, in a Stornoway care home.
Crofting life in Isle of Lewis Uig – The Sheep Gathering
Crofting Life and gathering sheep in Uig, Isle of Lewis Preparation for a Lewis Fank Day, now means ensuring that quads and mobile phones are ‘topped’ up. In most areas, gone are the long days of trekking the moor on…
Crofting Life in Isle of Lewis Uig -The Bulls
Crofting life in Uig Isle of Lewis involved looking after cattle and towing a bull to an offshore island once a year. Every crofting family living in the Outer Hebrides, were dependent on their own cow to provide milk, butter…
Fishing in Kirkibost, Great Bernera, The Hebrides
Fishing in Kirkibost, Great Bernera Generations of fishermen landed their catch at the pier in Kirkibost in Great Bernera.The rich fishing grounds are now depleted and the pier used only by two or three small local boats, fishing for crab…
Life in Bosta, Great Bernera, The Hebrides
Bòstadh The winding single track road to Bòstadh takes you as far west as you can get in Great Bernera. The white shell sand beach draws families with young children, partying teenagers and those reflecting on life and relationships, while…
Gaelic -The language of the Hearth
I am working on Arora the Dementia Friendly Community Project this month. Working on this project I am the privileged recipient of all kinds of personal stories and cultural treasures, which spill out instantly between the handshake and island Gaelic…
Pipe Major Peter Macleod Aird Uig Heritage blog
Pipe Major Peter Roderick Macleod, Aird Uig / Behind the Conundrum At each piping recital, accordion or melodeon evening on the island of Lewis. At least a couple of the following tunes are played and recognised as being from the…