• Local Stories

    Coinneach Ban Fear an Tac

    This is the first of this series of Gaelic stories which are related to places in the landscape in Lochs, Isle of Lewis.This story is set in the area which is Laxay and Keose, in Kinloch. This land was once…

  • Local Stories

    Fear Langabhat, Sabaist Mhor Wick

    I was delighted when I discovered in a publication The Last of the MacLeod’s, set in the 17th century and relating to my own parish of Lochs. Although in English it read with an authentic Gàidhlig blas, terrific original material.…

  • Craois teine
    Local Stories

    Five Local stories from the Isle of Lewis

    Seanachasan Tha iomadh seanachas miorbhuileach an dualchas na Gaidheil. Chan eil cothroman  bhith gan innse an-diugh ach teirc. Clàr mi na còig seanchas seo agus tha gach tè a maireadh còig mionaidean a-mhàin. Tha beartas cànan unnta, mar a chaidh…

  • Local Stories

    Sabaist Mhor Wick

    This story is Sabaist Mhor Wick. The legendary week of fighting during the herring fishing season. This is thought to have been one hundred and fifty years ago. The military were called in to quell the unrest, resulting in arrests…

  • Local Stories

    Ishbal Nighean Dhomhnaill Ban

    I just love beul aithris stories, from Isle of Lewis Gaelic oral tradition. It is rare to have the opportunity to perform them for an audience nowadays. Therfore, I have recorded five stories because of the richness of the language…