Carloway Broch Carvings
Carvings on the Carloway Broch. Oh yes there is… The Carloway Broch external door lintel, in a brilliant white low light, the first week of September in 2010, revealed a series of carvings which have never been recorded. The entire…
Staing na Gàidhlig 1-3
’S iomadh atharrachadh a thàinig air na bailtean ann an Leòdhas anns na deich bliadhna mu dheireadh agus tha an leabhar The Gaelic Crisis in the Vernacular Community a’ dearbhadh gum bi a thuilleadh ann, mura tèid sinne air ar…
Peatlemania Peat and Desiel
Thàinig Peat and Diesel nam lasair às an dualchas agus thug iad leotha deannan math de òigridh nan rìoghachd. Air a mhìos-sa tha nan gillean à Leòdhais, air àrd ùrlair an Lunnainn
Crofting Livestock and Litter Isle of Lewis
On the way from Scalpay, a brown cow I did spy Chewing the cud happily, as I whizzed by The butt of a plastic litre bottle protruding from her teeth My errand not so important now, the car came to…
Minecraft are re-building St Kilda
Rebuild St Kilda with Minecraft The hugely popular Minecraft Game came to town developing a new software rebuilding St Kilda
Dementia, first language and reminiscence
A Cows and Boats