• Contemporary Blog,  News / Blog

    Carloway Broch Carvings

    Carvings on the Carloway Broch. Oh yes there is… The Carloway Broch external door lintel, in a brilliant white low light, the first week of September in 2010, revealed a series of carvings which have never been recorded. The entire…

  • Contemporary Blog,  News / Blog

    Staing na Gàidhlig 1-3

    ’S iomadh atharrachadh a thàinig air na bailtean ann an Leòdhas anns na deich bliadhna mu dheireadh agus tha an leabhar The Gaelic Crisis in the Vernacular Community a’ dearbhadh gum bi a thuilleadh ann, mura tèid sinne air ar…

  • Local Stories

    Coinneach Ban Fear an Tac

    This is the first of this series of Gaelic stories which are related to places in the landscape in Lochs, Isle of Lewis.This story is set in the area which is Laxay and Keose, in Kinloch. This land was once…

  • Local Stories

    Fear Langabhat, Sabaist Mhor Wick

    I was delighted when I discovered in a publication The Last of the MacLeod’s, set in the 17th century and relating to my own parish of Lochs. Although in English it read with an authentic Gàidhlig blas, terrific original material.…

  • Gaelic Drama

    Os Mo Chionn Sheinn an Uiseag and Tales from the Blackhouse

    Following the lockdown into September to November 2020, I was surprised to find myself rehearsing two scripts for filming. The Gaelic monologue Os Mo Chionn Sheinn an Uiseag written by Eric J MacDonald was requested by the Blas Festival https://www.facebook.com/118042888233771/videos/702218400690932

  • Gospel Ship
    Heritage Blogs,  News / Blog

    Eilean Chaluim Cille Loch Eireasoirt

    Bhiodh daoine a-null agus a-nall air Loch Èireasort, as na h-eathraichean nam beatha làitheil agus air an t-Sàbaid. Chaidh muinntir Eathraichean nan Salm an 2017, a tha a cruinneachadh beul aithis san sgìre mu siubhal chun eaglais, gu eilean ann…

  • Social History

    Lobster Fishing Great Bernera Film

    Lobster fishing skills have been passed down through generations of men in Great Bernera, in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. This short film I made recently with Ruaraidh Urpeth of Mara Productions is a promotion of the National Library of…